Going With The Flow March 2020

Hello friends and extended family.

It sure feels strange to not be able to gather and move together in our sea of Chi.
While our routine is temporarily disrupted, we are still connected by our minds and hearts, opened by our shared and wonderful practice. Our group practice has fed us and bonded us. It has also developed our loving community that is based on cultivating health and well being and a deep Spiritual connection. Our individual practice is how we get strong in our bodies, quiet in our minds, and in touch with our deeper selves. It not only helps us to be our best, it is the basis that makes us a healthy happy and supportive community when we bring the best of ourselves together.

While my solo practice gives me insight into myself, it also gives me insight into that which is greater than myself. It casts light on the energy that flows through us all. And that is what connects me to all of you. So I am really not alone, even when I am not with you! As we move through this challenging time, we are in it together and we all know that we have a bond that is very deep and very real. I believe it is helping us be better human beings. It is helping us to keep our values in the right perspective and it will hold us together through our imposed separation.

I look forward to the day that we come back together even more strong and eager to flow with each other in the glow of our collective light.
Right now, I welcome your participation with your thoughts, feelings and insights

Stay connected please.
Jane Golden


"It is hard to believe that it has been just 10 days since you have had to cancel classes. At the time I thought it seemed a little extreme since we could keep our distance while doing Tai Chi. It’s amazing how quickly things have changed since then. I’m assuming that since the schools are closed and this thing is only going to get worse before it gets better, that classes will not resume for awhile. That must be hard for you, not the least of which is financial. While I wasn’t a regular attendee of your classes, I truly loved the power of the group experience. That said, I so appreciate knowing the set that I can do on my own. For me it is more important today than ever. I hear your gentle corrections as I remind myself to stand taller or sit lower. This too will pass, we hope soon. Meanwhile, you and Coy stay safe and out of harms’ way.-Leona"

"I'm absolutely loving this government imposed retreat! I so needed to slow down and this is the only thing that could accomplish it. So great to have time to catch up with my desk work, taxes, etc. in a calm fashion and still have time for plenty of prayer and meditation. I wish I could sing you all the Cologne Karneval song a Swiss comedian made into a Corona song. The refrain goes something like this:We're staying home, that is prima,viva Corona!
I've been singing it a lot! I realize some people are suffering from this situation, but on a whole our culture could really stand to slow down - not just during Tai Chi - so I'm giving myself permission to thoroughly enjoy these 3 weeks. My biggest worry is that I won't want them to end....Love,Ella "

"Your words project a most beautiful perspective.We ARE all connected,ALL of the time, IF we wish to be. You are with me in everything I do.xoxo Judy"

"Our sea of chi extends well beyond the walls of Salmon Creek gym and into each of our homes. Thank you for this, Jane!-Liza"

"You made me cry, and relax, at the same time. You continue to be... *magic*.Thank you for this beautiful connector reminder. I swear I feel chi flowing in me right now...who knew it was this easy to access it?Peace and health and appreciation,Cindy "

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